How We Grow

Quality Christian education has long been a hallmark of Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregations. Certainly we are partners with parents in providing for children’s spiritual growth. But it goes farther than that. We believe each human being is created by God to serve God and our fellow human beings. We want to help these children grow spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially so they can become the people God created them to be. So we do our best to teach the WHOLE child.

ecc-pics We grow Spiritually

  • During daily “Jesus Time” we learn Bible stories, songs and prayers, and develop a faith-relationship with Jesus.
  • We learn that God made and cares for the world and everyone in it.
  • We attend weekly Chapel services in the church to hear God’s Word and sing praises to Him!

We grow Emotionally

  • By using opportunities to make decisions and choices within limits, we build self-confidence and a positive self-image.
  • We learn cooperation with others through interactive play at theme-based learning centers.
  • Through individual free play, we learn independence and self-discipline.

We grow Socially

  • We develop and practice good social manners in various situations.
  • We learn and practice responsibility for ourselves and expectations in a group setting.
  • We learn to respect others’ feelings.

We grow Physically

  • Through using manipulatives, we develop our small muscles for skills like writing, coloring and cutting.
  • Through large motor activities indoors and outdoors, we develop coordination and physical fitness. Movement and music are often part of these activities.

We grow Intellectually

  • The program is designed to stimulate our curiosity and self- motivation to learn about the world around us.
  • We develop and practice basic skills in the areas of math, reading, science, music, art, and language arts.
  • In the 4/5 class, we focus on Kindergarten readiness.
  • We use iPads and an interactive white board to reinforce skills and information that has been introduced.




For more information, please contact us.