Eighth Grade Computer Curriculum
Eighth Grade
By the end of the year students should be able to:
Basic Operations and Concepts
- Identify main computer components and peripherals
- Understand and demonstrate proper use of means of storing data.
- Understand and use computer terms: menu, icon, start, close, save, save as, file, scroll bar, cursor, Dock, Finder, Desktop, and Trashcan,
- Understand and use basic network terms: login and password.
- Understand and use basic Internet terms: Internet, WWW (World Wide Web), webpage, home page, URL, and bookmarks.
- Identify and use keyboard functions: directional keys, Backspace, Tab, Enter, Delete, Shift, Caps Locks, ESC, Command, Control key, and spacebar.
- Understand a basic history of computers and the Internet.
- Understand how a computer and how a network operates.
- Turn computer on/off following correct startup and shutdown procedures.
- Use mouse skills (single, double, right & left clicks, select/highlight, and drag and drop).
- Launch and run various computer applications.
- Set up individual folders in their ‘homefolder’ and Dropbox.
- Move and copy files and folders.
- Use Help function and Spotlight.
- Learn the different shortcuts for various applications.
- Become familiar with the toolbars and icons.
- Resize window using ‘minimize and maximize’ button.
- Identify the proper application to use in any given situation.
- Become familiar with the differences and similarities between Windows and Mac OS X.
- Understand how a computer works and do basic computer repair.
- Pick a good secure password.
Social, Ethical and Human Issues
- Describe some uses of technology in society.
- Respect privacy of staff and students.
- Demonstrate appropriate care and use of all technology equipment.
- Use appropriate etiquette for electronic communications.
- Work cooperatively and collaboratively with others when using technology.
- Understand and adhere to the following: appropriate copyright laws, hardware and software licensing agreements, established school, classroom and computer lab policies.
- Use proper Internet behavior, and communication skills.
- Be able to log into and use the school’s gmail account.
MS Office
- Identify the different applications of Office
- Understand new technology such as: Ribbons, Tabs, Office Button, Buttons, etc.
- Understand how to use the Tabs and Ribbons
Word Processing
- Access and open a word processing application.
- Open a new or existing document.
- Enter text.
- Delete text using the delete or backspace keys.
- Enter text size, style, and color.
- Save, retrieve & close a document.
- Select text.
- Edit the text of document by changing font and emphasis.
- Edit the alignment/justification of a document.
- Edit the line spacing of a document.
- Manipulate a document’s layout by changing margin settings.
- Cut, Copy and paste text in a document.
- Use Spell check and Grammar check.
- Use page breaks and column breaks.
- Import, position and manipulate relevant graphics into a word document.
- Use the “save as” feature to create copies or new versions of documents.
- Use the find/replace commands.
- Create an outline.
- Insert and customize headers, footers, and page numbers.
- Create and insert a table.
- Print a document using print preview.
- Be able to print using portrait and landscape.
- Use undo and redo features.
- Annotate a research document.
- Create bibliographies in more than one style.
Graphic Design
- Understand and use graphics software to create and edit graphics.
- Open and access graphics software.
- Access a graphic and/or picture.
- Insert graphics into other programs.
- Understand what a spreadsheet is.
- Access and open a new or existing spreadsheet.
- Recognize the elements of a spreadsheet.
- Move between cells on a spreadsheet.
- Enter text and numbers into a spreadsheet.
- Select a cell or block of cells on a spreadsheet.
- Insert and delete rows and columns.
- Format a cell or block of cells.
- Save and retrieve spreadsheet files.
- Insert and format column and row headings.
- Change column widths.
- Change row height.
- Choose the correct formula and enter it into a cell.
- Copy and paste values and formulas.
- Add header and footer to spreadsheet.
- Print a spreadsheet using print preview.
- Evaluate the spreadsheet results.
- Design an original spreadsheet.
- Understand the type of graph to use based on the type of data to be displayed.
- Create a bar graph.
- Create a pie graph.
- Create a line graph.
- Add a title to a graph.
- Add a legend to a graph.
- Add data labels to a chart.
- Edit the text of a graph.
- Manipulate a graph (enlarge, reduce, and move).
- Save a graph.
- Read a graph.
- Print a graph using print preview.
- Copy and paste a graph into a word processing document.
- Access and open a presentation application.
- Start a new or open an existing presentation.
- Add text in proper format to slide.
- Summarize bulleted points.
- Add text in proper format to slide.
- Create an additional slide.
- Add bulleted and numbered text to a slide.
- Insert relevant graphics from a variety of sources to a slide (clipart, or saved, scanned and digital images).
- Add transitions and effects to a slide.
- Add animation to a slide.
- Reorganize the slides using the slide sorter view.
- Properly print handouts using print preview.
- Communicate information using a multimedia presentation.
- Create a presentation consisting of a series of slides.
- Present to the class using proper notes.
- Access and open iMovie.
- Edit and add special effects to a video.
- Use built-in camera with PhotoBooth for projects.
- Access and use the green screen in presentation
- Add music, themes and chapters to a video.
- Save project to iMovie.
- Access and open GarageBand.
- Use GarageBand to create and edit music.
- Mix music with iMovie.
- Save project in GarageBand
- Locate reference material using the Internet.
- Verify the credibility of a source.
- Gather and research information on the Internet.
- Access and open a reference on the Internet.
- Browse and navigate the contents of a on line reference material.
- Access and open a web browser
- Bookmark a site and return to it later.
- Access and use search engines.
- Capture and save non-copyrighted graphics.
- Print a page from an Internet site using print preview.
- Use the Internet with caution.
- Identify the biggest dangers and problems and how to avoid them.
- Know what kind of information is inappropriate to share.
- Know what a virus and ‘spyware’ is.
- Know proper means of communicating via email.
- Know the following terminology: Blog, Wiki, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Web Development
- Access and open iWeb.
- Design and create a homepage.
- Enter text to create homepage.
- Change color and text of homepage.
- Add graphics to homepage.
- Edit and make changes and additions to homepage.
- Save a project in iWeb.
Technology Standards
The technology standards are based on ISTE’s core belief that all students must have regular opportunities to use technology to develop skills that encourage personal productivity, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration in the classroom and in daily life and preparing students to be lifelong learners and contributing members of a global society.
Note to teachers: look at the standards and incorporate them into the lessons that are taught in computer class. Collaborate with other computer teachers to determine the best means of incorporating theses standards into the computer curriculum. Create projects for the students to work on that are cross–curricular.
ISTE Standards Students International Society for Technology in Education
- Creativity and innovation – Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
- Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
- Create original works as a means of personal group expression
- Communication and collaboration – Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
- Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media
- Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats
- Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems
- Research and information fluency – Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
- Plan strategies to guide inquiry
- Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media
- Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks
- Process data and report results
- Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making – Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
- Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation
- Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project
- Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions
- Digital Citizenship – Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
- Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology
- Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity
- Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning
- Technology operations and concepts – Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
- Understand and use technology systems
- Select and use applications effectively and productively
- Troubleshoot systems and applications
- Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies
Common Core Standards
Following are suggestions on how to incorporate the Common Core Standards for technology into the computer curriculum.
W= Writing RI= Reading: Informational SL= Speaking and Listening
W.4.6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one page in a single sitting.
RI.8.7. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea.
SL.11-12.2. Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make informed decisions and solve problems, evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source and noting any discrepancies among the data.
SL.11-12.5. Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.
Explanation of Verbage
Publishing requires deep consideration of audience, purpose, structure, text features, and format.
Collaboration forces students to plan, adopt, adapt, rethink, and revise, all higher-level practices. (Whether through apps, social media platforms, or in person, collaboration is not new for most K-12 learners in modern settings. But collaborating in pursuit of publishing and sharing thinking online is.)
Evaluation is near the top of Bloom’s taxonomy for a reason, necessitating that students make critical judgment calls about how information is presented and shared.
Integration is a matter of design, and produces considerable cognitive load on a learner. Social media, and an array of smart mobile devices, is a kind of digital strategy.
The following experiences with technology and digital resources are examples of learning activities in which students might engage during Grades 7–8:
- Create original animations or videos documenting school, community, or local events.
(1, 2, 6)
- Gather data, examine patterns, and apply information for decision making using digital tools and resources. (1, 4)
- Participate in a cooperative learning project in an online learning community. (2)
- Evaluate digital resources to determine the credibility of the author and publisher and the timeliness and accuracy of the content. (3)
- Integrate a variety of file types to create and illustrate a document or presentation. (1, 6)
- Independently develop and apply strategies for identifying and solving routine hardware and software problems. (4, 6)
The numbers in parentheses after each item identify the standards (1–6):
- Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research and Information Fluency
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
Grade 8 topics and projects
- Computer terminology
- History of computers and Internet
- Basic operation of computers
- Computer repair
- OS X
- Basic commands
- Google Drive and Google Docs
- Dropbox integration
- Applications Word, Pages, PowerPoint, Keynote, Paintbrush, Seashore, Excel, iMovie
- Presentation Johnny Tremain
- NextGen project
- Christmas Bible study
- Hobbit project
- Excel presidents
- CW Project
- GarageBand
- Ledger/budget project
- Research project with English Class
- Webpage design
- Sanctity of Life
- WW2 project
- TV studio-news broadcast in teams
- JFK project